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Training and Workshops


20 March 2019

CBA, Crewe Offices

2019 is the “Year of Leadership” and will see the launch of a COMAH Competent Authority (JCCA) Delivery Guide to allow the assessment of a company’s leadership culture. CBA has been involved in the development of the guide and this event is designed to share the details of the reasoning behind the process and the operational aspects employed to assess a company’s leadership.

It will detail the site identification criteria and the assessment methodology that will be utilised to start the project and refine the process over a period of three years. The workshop is suitable for business leaders operating major hazard sites and all levels of personnel requiring a practical knowledge of COMAH – including senior management and regulatory compliance specialists.
Attendance will be essential to Board Leaders or Senior managers leading Safety who will be the focus of the planned interventions by SE.

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