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DGSA – Consignor Obligations Online Clinic

DGSA – Consignor Obligations Online Clinic

20 July 2022


From 1st January 2023, under ADR all consignors will be legally required to have a DGSA. This includes office only consignors who do not operate their own transport. This Clinic will be an overview of the changes and how consignors will be impacted and the support the Chemical Business Association can offer to support Membership.
This short clinic is designed to explain:
• The history behind ADR
• The changes that will be in place from 1st January 2023.
• The impact to consignors
• Support, training and advice the Chemical Business Association can offer to support Members on these changes.
This is the latest in our ongoing series of “Online Clinics” and “Best Practice Workshops”, part of our new initiative to increase the value of membership. Watch out for other such events going forward.

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