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Cargo Securing Online Workshop

Cargo Securing Online Workshop

12 December 2022



Anyone involved in transport knows that getting goods from A to B on time and undamaged is a continual and ongoing challenge. A major consideration is that insufficiently or incorrectly secured cargo presents significant hazards and risks which can lead to delays, prosecutions, accidents, or injuries.

Cargo securing is often seen as being the responsibility of the driver, however the obligation extends to various persons such as the loader or even the consignor.

The Chemical Business Association is facilitating an online presentation to bring together regulators, enforcing bodies and industry experts who will share their experience, knowledge, and expertise in relation to the safe carriage and securing of cargo. It will cover a variety of aspects including practical and legal considerations and there will also be the opportunity to ask questions, either by submitting them before or asking them on the day.

The presentation is recommended for anyone involved in transportation, from those that plan and load vehicles through to those who arrange or book transport and is free for all Chemical Business Association members to attend.


 Time Subject Speaker
10.00 Introduction Chemical Business Association

Lisa Robertson

10.05 Regulatory Framework DVSA

Stephen Cave

10.35 Q and A DVSA
10.50 Enforcement Commercial Vehicle Unit Essex Police. Police Sergeant Jason Dearsley
11.20 Q and A Commercial Vehicle Unit Essex Police.
11.35 Break
11.45 Cargo securing Cordstrap

Carlo Corti

12.30 Q and A Cordstrap and any further questions for all speakers
13:00 Close

The Presenters

Steve Cave is a Technical Officer for the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). Working in the Enforcement Policy Team he provides specialist support and advice to DVSA staff and stakeholders on legislation and DfT policies for the enforcement of road traffic legislation.

Jason Dearsley has been a Police Constable since 1998 and has been on Roads Policing for nearly 17 years with the majority of that as a Police Sergeant. Currently he is in command of the Commercial Vehicle Unit for Essex Police, where he supervises the daily operations relating to Commercial vehicles, including the movement of abnormal indivisible loads, as well as supporting in times of high demand, the main Roads Policing Units. Jason is trained as a Lead Investigating Officer for Road Deaths, a Road Scene Manager (managing complex scenes and traffic management with partner agencies and emergency services), a tactical advisor for pursuits and authorised to carry Taser, as well a qualified trainer to deliver the Tiers 1,2 & 3 of the National Dangerous Goods training packages for his force and providing training for staff in the Force Control Room.

Jason also has UK wide responsibilities as the Vice Chair for the National Carriage of Dangerous Goods Practitioners forum (NCDGPF), a role he has performed since 2018. He is also an accredited Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor, having held this qualification for six years; a trained Radiation Protection Supervisor, working on the roll out of Class 7 enforcement training across all enforcement bodies in the UK; holds a Drivers ADR certificate for all Classes (including 1&7) in both tanks and other than in tanks, and holds a C+E class on his driving licence.

Outside of work Jason enjoys rambling around East Anglia, which may well involve the odd public house. Jason is blessed to have a very understanding wife and a wonderful son.

Carlo Corti is the Commercial Manager UK for Cordstrap. Cordstrap has always believed there is a better way. That’s why, for over 55 years, they have been dedicated to making the movement of goods safer. They continue to achieve this through a consultative, Protection Engineering approach which is designed to engineer out risk associated with goods that are on the move, enabling businesses to operate with confidence and thrive.

Cordstrap’s cargo protection engineers have extensive application expertise in numerous industrial settings, enabling them to diagnose problems, identify opportunities, and develop creative solutions based on best practices, in line with local and global regulations. With this expertise, combined with their innovative and evolving portfolio of solutions, they protect products on the move, the people handling them, and the industrial environments they pass through.
“It is our passion to protect that drives us and makes us the global leader in the safe movement of goods”

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