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Training and Workshops

Permit To Work Systems

9 October 2019  to 9 March 2019


A Permit to Work is an integral part of a safe system of work and form an essential part of the task risk assessment. A Permit to Work is not simply permission to carry out a dangerous job. It is an essential part of a system which determines how that job can be carried out safely, and helps communicate this to those doing the job. The issue of a Permit to Work does not, by itself, make a job safe – that can only be achieved by those preparing for the work, those supervising the work and those carrying it out.

The training is designed for those who wish to increase their underpinning knowledge of Permit to Work systems. It is suitable for those who are directly involved in issuing a Permit to Work and supervising or monitoring the work, as well as managers who audit and review the Permit to Work system.

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