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Workshops and Seminars

Incident Investigation Good Practices (New Workshop)

13 October 2021

Virtual Workshop


This event is fully booked which is being run again on the 10th November see below for details.

This course has been designed for anyone in manufacturing, storage or distribution companies who investigate incidents and near misses to increase their underpinning knowledge of good practices

The course will provide an overview of incident investigation good practices such as:
▪ The importance of investigating
▪ Investigation levels based on incident potential
▪ Root cause analysis in incident investigations
▪ The importance of identifying underlying management system failures
▪ Action completion and less sharing

Why attend?
Incident and near miss investigation is an important feedback loop for a company safety management system Suitably detailed and robust investigations and subsequent follow up can help prevent the same and/or other similar incidents re-occurring Take a step-by-step logical approach to incident investigation, along with use of a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) tool, allows robustness and rigour to investigation reporting to be introduced

Who should attend?
This course has been designed for anyone in manufacturing, storage or distribution companies who investigate incidents and near misses to increase their underpinning knowledge of good practices. This will include:

▪ Those who complete incident investigations;
▪ Those who review and approve incident investigation reports; and
▪ Managers who have responsibility for the audit and review of the safety management system.

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