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Back to basics – Introductory RC

Back to basics – Introductory RC

25 October 2022

Hybrid: Online/Crewe


Responsible Care is the chemical industry’s commitment to continual improvement in health, safety, security and environmental performance. Compliance with the Responsible Care (RC) is mandatory for all CBA Distributor and Logistics Services members

One of the first steps on joining the CBA is that the company appoints an RC Co -Ordinator who should then attend a Back to Basics seminar

This introductory seminar will help the RC Coordinators of companies new to Responsible Care
understand the key elements of the CBACBARC programme.

It is also suitable for newly appointed RC Co -Ordinator’s in existing member companies, as well as for those who would like a general introduction to the CBACBARC programme The seminar provides an introduction to the CBA

Responsible Care programme including:

  • The 8 Guiding Principles
  • The Cycle of Responsible Care
    • Self-Assessment Questionnaire
  • 3-Year Improvement Plan
  • Indices of Performance
  • Security
  • Code of Conduct
  • The Responsible Care Logo
  • Validation & the Future
  • The Responsible Care Awards
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