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Workshops and Seminars


11 November 2020

HFL VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)

The workshop provides a basic insight into aspects of CDOIF Environmental Risk Assessment methodology including:
• The necessary groundwork required to conduct a CDOIF Environmental Risk Assessment.
• Source-Pathway-Receptor methodology overview.
• Screening – why and how?
• Environmental risk assessment – severity, frequency and tolerability.
• Risk aggregation

Why attend?
The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 2015 brought in changes to the way that Environmental Risk Assessments (ERAs) should be conducted within COMAH Safety Reports.

As a result of this, the Chemical Downstream Oil and Industries Forum (CDOIF) Guideline – Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments, released originally in 2013, became the expected benchmark to which environmental tolerability should be determined.
Therefore, the understanding of the CDOIF methodologies is critical in understanding, developing and interpreting ERAs conducted for COMAH Safety Reports.

Who should attend?
The workshop is suitable for all levels of personnel requiring a basic understanding of ERAs and how they work within the CDOIF guideline.
It will be particularly useful to those that require understanding of the process as the ‘intelligent customer’ and as a basic introduction to those who need to update their ERA.
This course is for Manufacturing, Storage and Distribution companies only.

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