Code of Conduct Workshop
20 March 2025
Hybrid - Online / Crewe
Companies need to be vigilant within the supply chain they service, to reduce potential risks to their reputation and/or prosecutions from the misuse of a chemical they supply.
The CBA Code of Conduct has been in place since the early 1990s to assist members with their compliance with these trade controls. A major update to The Code of Conduct will be been published in September 2023 and this workshop is designed to refresh existing compliance officers or to introduce the legal requirements for new compliance officers.
The seminar will explain the code, its rationale and provide the detail to guide participants through their obligations and requirements of the legislation.
The seminar is suitable for personnel responsible for the security of the sales of chemicals.
It will be useful to Liaison officers and those specifically responsible for performing COC risk assessments.
The workshop provides a basic insight into aspects of:
- What to do in practice – Know Your Customer, Procedures, Records
- Legal Expectations – Chemical Weapons, Drug Precursors, Explosive Precursors, Dual Use, PIC, Poisons Act
- What security measures should be in place – Site Security, Personnel Security