Sustainability reporting – how to meet current and future demands
20 September 2023
Sustainability is no longer a topic of the future. Businesses are now receiving requests from customers, partners, and regulators for the disclosure of sustainability information in increasing detail. It can seem like quite a challenge to know where and how to start: knowing which data is needed, at which granularity, at which frequency. And once this is known, how should one begin to use this data to satisfy the various obligations?
In this workshop, the speakers from the management consultancy d-fine explain within interactive sessions how companies will need to react to new regulatory and business reporting requirements and change their underlying processes to meet them.
What is it about:
• Calculation of product carbon footprints
• Current and future legislation in the field of sustainability
• Defining and calculating product and company circularity metrics
What it will provide:
• Basic knowledge of current regulations and market standards in the field of sustainability
• Suggestions for how to start putting processes and infrastructure into place to address
reporting requirements
• Examples of current best practices in the industry
• Management and subject matter experts of chemicals and chemical distribution companies
• Sustainability, Innovation, Strategy, Product Management and R&D units