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UK REACH Timeline Consultation An overview…

UK REACH Timeline Consultation An overview, explanation and guidance

10 August 2022



Due to popular demand and our first sessions now fully booked we have chosen to add a second date for this online clinic!

After months of discussions between industry, regulators and Trade Associations, the Secretary of State for the Environment announced in December 2021 that ‘Defra has committed to exploring alternative arrangements for UK REACH transitional registrations in order to support chemical businesses whilst upholding the highest standards to safeguard public health and the environment.’

The Chemical Business Association (CBA) has been an integral part of the advocacy effort that has resulted in DEFRA agreeing to look at an alternative registration model. This continues with the CBA being part of the ‘Oversight Group’ and the ‘Technical Working Group,’ who are discussing the alternative registration model. As part of the on-going discussions, DEFRA have said that the timelines of UK REACH will move to allow them time to finalise discussions on what the alternative registration model will look like. As part of this process, DEFRA have launched a consultation on the UK REACH timeline with two proposed options. The consultation is now open and will close on the 1st September. This is your chance to use your voice and help in the decision-making process. We would highly encourage all parties to consider completing the consultation.

This short clinic is designed to explain:
• The current situation with discussions on the UK REACH alternative registration model
• Explain the detail of the UK REACH timeline consultation
• Discuss the two different proposed timeline options
• Discuss the Government’s preferred option and the Chemical Businesses Association’s preferred option
• Discuss information requirements for consultation responses

In view of the importance of this matter, this online clinic is open to both Members and non-Members and will also offer participants the opportunity to ask questions on the proposed UK REACH timeline and the alternative registration model.

This is the latest in our ongoing series of ‘Online Clinics’ and ‘Best Practice Workshops,’ part of our various initiatives to increase the value of membership. Watch out for other such events going forward.

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