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What is the role of a DGSA?

What is the role of a DGSA?

4 October 2022

Hybrid: Online/Crewe

Organisations involved in the carriage of Dangerous Goods have a duty to appoint a dangerous goods safety adviser ( DGSA).Changes implemented in the ADR2019 mean that office only companies ( will also be required to appoint a DGSA by the end of December 2022.

This seminar will run through the roles and responsibilities of a DGSA, as specified in the regulations. It will cover the DGSA exam and qualification, ensuring compliance with the
regulations concerning dangerous goods, procedures required by the company to ensure compliance, preparation of the annual report, emergency procedures and incident and accident investigation.

This one-day seminar will be relevant to all within the chemical industry who need to appoint a DGSA under the Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations. It is particularly aimed at those who are newly qualified DGSAs and want some further training on their responsibilities under CDG/ADR, those who have appointed a consultant DGSA and want to understand the services they should be receiving or office only companies who will now have to appoint a DGSA under the new ADR requirements
The workshop provides a basic insight into aspects of:
DGSA role and responsibilities
Advising on classification, packaging, labelling and
Annual report
Emergency procedures
Accident/incident investigation
Dangerous Goods legislation
Future developments

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