UK REACH – A Move Towards a Pragmatic Solution
8 December 2021
On Monday 6 December 2021, the Government announced that it will consult on extending the deadlines for UK REACH, and that work will take place to develop a new data model that would be workable and affordable for business and deliver the levels of data to support UK REACH registrations.
Serious Supply Chain Issues Continue – Business Outlook Remains Poor
17 November 2021
The latest Supply Chain Trends Survey from the Chemical Business Association reveals that the UK chemical supply chain is continuing to encounter serious supply chain issues and that future sales and margins are continuing to decline.
De Monchy UK Ltd welcomed into membership
2 November 2021
The Chemical Business Association is announce De Monchy UK Ltd as our newest member.
HGV Driver Shortages – Progress, but Key Issues Remain
28 September 2021
The Chemical Business Association, which has led on the HGV driver shortage issue for the UK chemical supply chain, welcomes the Government’s latest initiatives to manage the impact of the supply chain emergency that is delaying or preventing vital materials from reaching customers in the manufacturing and process industries, key utilities, and the health sector.
Driver Shortage Media Brief
8 September 2021
This brief provides background to the current issues affecting the UK chemical supply chain, the most prominent of which is the shortage of HGV drivers. Our latest industry survey shows that 96% (62% in our last survey completed June 2021) of members responding currently have issues with road haulage in the UK and 78% have similar issues in Europe.
Significant Decline In Accident Levels – Distribution Report
30 July 2021
The Chemical Business Association’s latest annual report on the safety, health, security and environmental performance of its distributor member companies for 2020 shows a significant decline in accident levels and the Lost Time Accident Rate. For the second year running, no convictions were recorded against CBA member companies.
Transport Incidents and Accidents Down – Logistics Report
30 July 2021
The Logistics Index, the Chemical Business Association’s (CBA) latest annual report on the performance of its road haulage, warehouse, and tank farm companies, shows a significant fall in the number of transport incidents during 2020.
Covid-19 Critical Worker Communication
27 July 2021
The Government has published a list of sectors in which a very limited number of named critical workers may have a reasonable excuse to leave self-isolation to attend work.
Recognition of HGV Driver Shortages Welcomed
21 July 2021
The Chemical Business Association (CBA) has welcomed aspects of the Government’s actions announced today to mitigate the chronic shortage of HGV drivers in the UK.